Original message from here.


Osaka Day 2!!
31 May 2012. 07:19:13

Sorry for updating so late 

The Nishino Family Party at Osaka Day 2 
Thank you so much to all who came to play 

I met so many interesting people on Day 2  
The Family Meeting got so high, and everyone gave their support for family love 
I’m so glad I got to talk about love stories with everyone 

Everyone on the 2nd floor seemed nearer than usual as well. I could see everyone’s faces clearly, and I’m so happy to hear everyone’s voices live  

Secret talk Osaka is the best  

And so, let me introduce Day 2’s Osaka Family 

Firstly, Team Eldest Sister 

And then, Team Eldest Brother 

Everyone, thank you so much 

Finally, we’ll be at Fukuoka today 
Looking forward to meeting with everyone