Original message from here.


Kobe World Memorial Hall Branch☆Day 1!
20 May 2012. 14:36

All you energetic people from Kobe!!! (^O^)/
Your unusually loud cheers from the first song onwards
have told clearly of your passionate feelings!!
The venue was steaming from start to finish, and all the performers sweated together with everyone who stayed over.
And thus, Day 1 at the Kobe World Memorial Hall branch came to a successful end!

And so, for this entry too, we’d like to share some commemorative photos of the memorable stayover! (^_-)

Here’s Timmy, who stayed over at the Osaka branch too!? (laugh)
Thank you for staying over again!!

And then, straight after taking that photo….
What is this?!!!!!

He received the super premium photobook “SUPER Ayu” at the CD booth!

Congrats!!! (*^^*)

So let’s move on ☆
We took photos of cosplayers and everyone who wore the Tour T-shirt,
as well as eyecatching uchiwa designs!


Two Shucchas!? (laugh)

And here, we have that unique pose from that PV

shake it♪shake it♪la la♪

Thank you for letting us take your photos!! m(_ _)m

So, let’s end this entry here.
Let’s get high and sweat, sing, dance and scream
during Day 2 at the Kobe World Memorial Hall!!! \(^o^)/