nootak: LOVE & HOPE + FIVE Hong Kong photo exhibition in preparation now \(^o^)/ Wonderful!!
ayu_19980408: So—excited!!! Cant wait to c it(((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) ← Go to sleep, girl.

nootak: I.T presents LOVE & HOPE + FIVE Setting up now Hong Kong
ayu_19980408: What a big ayu!!!!!!! LOL

Caption: Thank you ♡
ayu_19980408: Just finished packing my shoes now. On to packing clothes. Totally gave up on sleeping!! But because I’m really so happy today, I’m totally awake ♡

natwitting: Do you need 1 suitcase just for shoes? w( ̄▽ ̄;)w
ayu_19980408: No. I need 6. (´Д` )

lesliekeesuper: LOVE & HOPE + FIVE exhibition setup 5 hours now.
ayu_19980408: COOL!!!!!!! Xoxo♡

keitamaruyama: First time attending TGC. Nervous. I’ll appear at 9pm, but the rehearsal starts at 9am. I don’t know who are the models, and who the staff.
lesliekeesuper: For today’s photo exhibition in Hong Kong, ayu will come as a guest, and I’m nervous too. Let’s send cheers to each other!
ayu_19980408: I’ve reached Hong Kong~. And it’s really raining. (laugh) Keita GO GO~~~!!! It’s a battle of age ♪(´ε` )
keitamaruyama: Eh, age? (; ̄ェ ̄) And I thought I’m still a young sapling (laugh) It’ll be busy in Hong Kong, but enjoy yourself!
ayu_19980408: Then I’ll still be pollen. (laugh) Everyone going to TGC, please support sapling Keita Maruyama~ ♡

ayu_19980408: By the way, when I boarded the plane, this person was already fast asleep. You sleep really easily, sensei Σ(゚д゚lll)

ayu_19980408: Airport.

ayu_19980408: Shu and Armageddon are easy to spot.

ayu_19980408: Shu and Armageddon are still easy to spot.

ayu_19980408: Shu and Armageddon again. Airport encounter end.

ayu_19980408: Sensei, please wake up. The stage greeting is starting soon.

ree315883: Wasn’t ayu with Shu?
ayu_19980408: Ah… I was clinging to Shu and trying my best to roll along… I’m just too small to be seen ヽ(;▽;)ノ

ayu_19980408: Stage greeting is done now. Thank you!!

ayu_19980408: We had some communication problems. But it was FUN♪

ayu_19980408: After food, on to the photo exhibition GO GO GO~~~ ♪(´ε` )

nootak: AYU 3D2 Showing with Hong Kong fans!!!!!
ayu_19980408: They were sooooooo cute n sweet:)))

MotokiMinei: Hey, Hiroya, are you offended? by RYO and me and more…
K1_Hiroya: I’m not offended ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ Just interested in “and more”~ (; ̄O ̄) And why that story came about. (laugh)
ayu_19980408: The Hong Kong Team is part of the “and more”. m(_ _)m