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Memories of Stayover ☆ Niigata Branch!!!
30 June 2012. 17:02

The temperature outside was freezing at the HOTEL Love songs Niigata branch ☆, but everyone’s steam inside the venue was just so hot. The tension made it feel just like “summer”, and we really partied \(^o^)/

The Niigata branch is different from the other venues, as there are only Arena Seats, so we could truly feel the togetherness of everyone in the venue!!!

And so, here are some photos of the wonderful smiles of everyone who stayed over at the Niigata branch (^_-)-☆

It was only a one-night show, but everyone’s feelings condensed and rang in our hearts. It was the best night ☆

We sincerely thank everyone who stayed over for the best time!!!

We look forward to the day when we’ll meet with everyone again ☆