mikajohn: Oh no, the requests for me to cover events is increasing. I wonder if I’ll look horrid in photos if I really slim down. That’s one of my goals this year, to lose weight!!
ayu_19980408: Same as always. Thanks for the explanatory mail! The metaphor was awesome!!
mikajohn: I was just thinking “Why haven’t I received your reply mail?” when I came here and saw this! I see you’re being unproductive as usual. (laugh)
ayu_19980408: Teehee ♡

ayu_19980408: The GBs are not decreasing~…

ayu_19980408: Hoshino-san, the new song is done!! Please listen to it soon (//∇//)♡
magic_bus_: I just heard it! It’s really good! I was touched by ayu’s voice. I wish I was brought up on singing as well~!
ayu_19980408: Thank you!!

ayu_19980408: Little bro, the Final Mix is too awesome, what shall we do.

odayoshio: Finally, I had a good rest~!
mikajohn: Good morning!
odayoshio: Good morning! Ah, long time no see, big sis
ayu_19980408: Good morning! I had a strange dream, and in my dream, Yocchan said “I can speak Osaka Dialect!!”. I’m serious.

ayu_19980408: This vitamin colour on this HERMES cup just gives me a good feeling in the morning ♡

nogutaku: Big sis, good morning!
ayu_19980408: Oh, Takuyaaaaaaaaa!! How have you been? (^_−)−☆
nogutaku: I’m fine! Even though it’s been half a year since I’ve moved to NY, I still can’t speak English with all the right pronunciations, unlike big sis (laugh)
ayu_19980408: Japanese is alright.
nogutaku: Don’t say that (laugh)
ayu_19980408: Now I have I-want-to-go-to-NY disease! It’s all Takuya’s fault–!!

01days20: ayu is dominating the advertisement boards of the Ginza Line!! I just entered the station, and shouted out “Wowwww! (//∇//)” by myself. (=´∀`)人(´∀`=) It’s so awesome, I went up and down the whole station looking at them ♥
ayu_19980408: Hmm? What kind of advertisements?
(Misa’s note: Ginza Line is one railway line in central Tokyo)

himono_woman: ayu-chan ♪ There’s 600 million users on facebook (゚□゚;) It’s awesome ☆★ Are you getting Mr CEO to teach you?? (* ̄∀ ̄)ノ
ayu_19980408: How do I use facebook?
deescacalation: It’s an international communication system~
ayu_19980408: I see (=´∀`)人(´∀`=)

ericaze: Wow! ayu has hijacked Marunouchi Line!! I’m so excited (∩∇`) I wonder if Marunouchi Line will win over Ginza? (laugh)
ayu_19980408: Hmm? What is this Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ
(Misa’s note: Marunouchi Line is another railway line in central Tokyo)

kumi_19880214: Probably Aquascutum’s advertisements?
ayu_19980408: I see (=´∀`)人(´∀`=)

ayu_19980408: I’m interested in facebook~ Teach me how? How?
TeamAyu_BUN: There’s a facebook account for ayu, so it’s not you?! Σ(゚Д゚;)
ayu_19980408: Many people have asked that, but it’s not me. An imposter?

ayusukisuki: Have you seen PJ’s spring issue?
ayu_19980408: Mummy!!
mikajohn: Prince~~
ayu_19980408: Mr Tada~

ayu_19980408: Get it now ☆

ayu_19980408: Even before bed, she displays an assertive girl power~ (o^^o) Here is PJ’s spring issue ☆