[Original Entry]


Yearmates. IN Nagoya ☆ SUKE3
2 July 2013. 22:50

Hello, this is performer SUKE3. Please pronounce it as Suke-san m(__)m
As an acrobat performer, I do lots of flying and jumping, but I’m best at lifting other people up into the air *(^o^)/*

I’ve always had lots of fun reading this tour blog!! And last week, when I was told to write an entry for the Nagoya shows, I couldn’t sit still for the entire week (>人<;)

For this entry,

After learning that there are quite a few staff members from the all-essential stage building team who are my age, I went to take some photos with them-!! By the way, I won’t be telling everyone my age. (laugh) (Note: because of a certain female staff member)


POH-san from the machinery team.

Shintarou-san (right) and Shige-san (left), from the props team

Tera-san (right) and Murada-san (with the tummy), the stage staff.

It makes me happy to think of my fellow yearmates creating this show together with me o(^▽^)o


That just sounded crazy, didn’t it… (;^_^A


Sorry m(__)m

But I’m sticking with it ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

Oh yes!!

There’s a performer who is my age too~!!

Who do you think it is~???


LICO-nyan (^_^)

So I’ll say it again. She is why I can’t tell you which year I was born in.

In the tour’s second half, we’ve done Days 3 and 4 at Nagoya this time!! Ranked up there along with Tokyo and Osaka, there are lots of people who came to watch the Nagoya shows many times, right? I mean, everyone knew exactly when everything was happening, and matched us perfectly. We felt as one. It was a LIVE when the performers and the audience became one… So touching T^T

And it was too hot!! Too hot…

This was my encore T-shirt.

Totally sweaty (゚o゚;;

We’re left with 8 shows at 4 venues!!

The end is nearing, and feelings of loneliness are coming, but I want to continue dashing on with all my might.

Next up, the Sendai shows!!